Welcome to Christ the King Lutheran Church

Welcome Message by Pastor Bill

We were hoping you would stop by for a visit!

Hopefully, as you surf our ever-reforming website you will discover what is at the core of our mission and ministry; we are a deeply spiritual community, formed by worship, prayer, and service. We at Christ the King are an evangelical and catholic faith community. What that means is we are a faith community whose mission and ministry is all about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us in both word and deed since the true origin of the word “evangelical” means “good news sharing.” And we are “catholic” in that we are part of the universal western church, sharing the same liturgical and sacramental actions in common but with the focus upon the good news, the healing that Jesus Christ offers us and our world. We understand ourselves to be a community bound together by God’s mission, growing in faith, and understanding, reflecting the love and power of Jesus Christ to others. We are a congregation that values forgiveness, giving to the needs of others, and deepening our spiritual lives, and deepening our relationship with the Holy and thereby modeling that to our children all the while creating a greater sense of community among those who gather for worship, study, and serving our Lord and our neighbors.

We invite you to check us out! Come and be transformed.

-Pastor Bill

Welcome Message by Pastor Bill

We were hoping you would stop by for a visit!

Hopefully, as you surf our ever-reforming website you will discover what is at the core of our mission and ministry; we are a deeply spiritual community, formed by worship, prayer, and service. We at Christ the King are an evangelical and catholic faith community. What that means is we are a faith community whose mission and ministry is all about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us in both word and deed since the true origin of the word “evangelical” means “good news sharing.” And we are “catholic” in that we are part of the universal western church, sharing the same liturgical and sacramental actions in common but with the focus upon the good news, the healing that Jesus Christ offers us and our world. We understand ourselves to be a community bound together by God’s mission, growing in faith, and understanding, reflecting the love and power of Jesus Christ to others. We are a congregation that values forgiveness, giving to the needs of others, and deepening our spiritual lives, and deepening our relationship with the Holy and thereby modeling that to our children all the while creating a greater sense of community among those who gather for worship, study, and serving our Lord and our neighbors.

We invite you to check us out! Come and be transformed.

-Pastor Bill

Attend services on Sunday at 8:15am in person or 10 am in person and live.

Every fifth Sunday of the month only one service is held at 9:30am.

Attend services on Sunday at 8:15 am in person or 10 am in person and live.

Every fifth Sunday of the month only one service is held at 9:30 AM.

Contact and Info

11295 SW 57th Ave, Pinecrest, FL 33156, USA

Contact Us

  • 11295 SW 57th Ave, Pinecrest, FL 33156

(305) 665 5063


  • Tues-Fri: 09.30am - 04.30 pm

Sat: Closed

Sun: 08:15am- 11.00am

  • Sunday Services:

08:15 am-09:15am

10:00am - 11:00am

Contact and Info

11295 SW 57th Ave, Pinecrest, FL 33156, USA

Contact Us

  • 11295 SW 57th Ave, Pinecrest, FL 33156

(305) 665 5063


  • Tues-Fri: 09.30am - 04.30 pm

Sat: Closed

Sun: 08:15am- 11.00am

  • Sunday Services:

08:15 am-09:15am

10:00am - 11:00am

Sunday Service Description

8:15am Contemporary Worship Service

This service features updated music with keyboard and percussion, and language that reflects modern usage. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. The service is informal and welcoming.

10am Liturgical Worship Service

Full choir and powerful organ music set a majestic tone for the traditional liturgical service. The style is more formal than the early service. Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday.

Sunday Service Description

8:15am Contemporary Worship Service

This service features updated music with keyboard and percussion, and language that reflects modern usage. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. The service is informal and welcoming.

10am Liturgical Worship Service

Full choir and powerful organ music set a majestic tone for the traditional liturgical service. The style is more formal than the early service. Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday.


Yes, the name Lutheran comes from the reformer Martin Luther who lived in the 1500’s…but it doesn’t mean we worship Luther! Lutherans are part of the Protestant Church and worship the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lutheran worship is the following.

Corporate: we say things, sing things, proclaim things, and pray things...together.

Liturgical: the word liturgy means, work of the people. There’s that corporate idea again! Liturgy refers to the order, or form that provides a template for the worship experience. It’s like a divine drama with four acts: Gather, Word, Meal or Thanksgiving, and Sending. Learn more about each component here.

Sacramental: God is always the primary actor: God first comes to us in love, and we, in turn, respond to that love. The key way God comes to us is through the sacraments: Baptism, and Holy Communion. So sacraments, to Lutherans, are a big deal! We celebrate baptisms during worship, as the newly baptized become part of the Christian community (there’s that corporate idea again.) In Holy Communion, we receive the forgiveness of God and are strengthened to go back into the world and share Christ’s love. We practice “open communion” which means we invite all baptized Christians to receive Christ’s Body and Blood at the Holy Eucharist. Together with hearing the good news of God proclaimed in Scripture, the sacraments are called the Means of Grace. In other words, these are ways to experience the unconditional, never-ending love of God. Grace is…amazing.

One more thing: Lutherans really love music. There is singing by the entire congregation, and special music sung by choirs and ensembles. The lyrics of the songs are rich and varied. They relate to the theme of the day.


Yes, the name Lutheran comes from the reformer Martin Luther who lived in the 1500’s…but it doesn’t mean we worship Luther! Lutherans are part of the Protestant Church and worship the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lutheran worship is the following.

Corporate: we say things, sing things, proclaim things, and pray things...together.

Liturgical: the word liturgy means, work of the people. There’s that corporate idea again! Liturgy refers to the order, or form that provides a template for the worship experience. It’s like a divine drama with four acts: Gather, Word, Meal or Thanksgiving, and Sending. Learn more about each component here.

Sacramental: God is always the primary actor: God first comes to us in love, and we, in turn, respond to that love. The key way God comes to us is through the sacraments: Baptism, and Holy Communion. So sacraments, to Lutherans, are a big deal! We celebrate baptisms during worship, as the newly baptized become part of the Christian community (there’s that corporate idea again.) In Holy Communion, we receive the forgiveness of God and are strengthened to go back into the world and share Christ’s love. We practice “open communion” which means we invite all baptized Christians to receive Christ’s Body and Blood at the Holy Eucharist. Together with hearing the good news of God proclaimed in Scripture, the sacraments are called the Means of Grace. In other words, these are ways to experience the unconditional, never-ending love of God. Grace is…amazing.

One more thing: Lutherans really love music. There is singing by the entire congregation, and special music sung by choirs and ensembles. The lyrics of the songs are rich and varied. They relate to the theme of the day.

PreK- 6th grade children are welcome to attend the nursery or Sunday School during the 10am Liturgical Worship Service.

PreK- 6th grade children are welcome to attend the nursery or Sunday School during the 10am Liturgical Worship Service.

Christ the King Lutheran Church is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Copyright © 2022 Christ the King Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved.

Contact Us

11295 SW 57th Ave, Pinecrest, FL 33156

(305) 665-5063


Tues-Fri: 09.30am - 04.30 pm

Sat: Closed

Sun: 08:15am - 10 am

Services: Sun 8:15am & 10:00am